Sunday morning genealogy fun
Although I haven’t written anything here for a while, I have been quite busy with my family history research. As part of that, I follow a few other genealogy blogs, and always come away with something interesting to think about.
One of the blogs I read regularly is Randall Seavers’ Genea Musings
A regular feature on Randy’s blog is Saturday night genealogy fun. Here’s the brief from Randy
Come on, everybody, join in and accept the mission and execute it with precision.
1) What genealogy resources are you currently using? Books, periodicals, manuscripts, ephemera, websites, software, or ???
2) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment on this post, or in a Facebook post. Please leave a link on this post if you write your own blog post.
Thank you to Linda Stufflebean for suggesting this topic.
Because of the difference in time zones I’m posting this on Sunday morning, but here’s mine.
I’m trying to stem the tide of paper that threatens to engulf me, so I’m now using Mac Family Tree software to keep my research. For other notes relating to research I’m experimenting with Evernote.
The main websites I use at the moment are Family Search, Find My Past and Free BMD. I also use Google Maps.
I love books and have a wide range of them, on family history and general history topics. For Christmas the kids got me a subscription to Family Tree magazine, and I’m looking forward to getting my first edition soon.
To help back up my online research I’ve got a marvellous collection of certificates, letters and other memorabilia inherited from my family.
I hope you enjoy the post, it’s nice to be back blogging again.
No problem with posting on Sunday morning. I’m in Randy’s time zone for most of the year and I, too, post on Sunday morning! You are a new-to-me blog so welcome back and I hope you post regularly.
Thanks for your comment.