Summer’s Nearly Over

It’s been a while since I posted here, and summer’s nearly over! I’ve spent most of the last few weeks away visiting friends or camping in remote places with no wi-fi, which explains my silence. Summer might be over, but not my holiday jaunts. I’m off to to Rhodes next week and then the Lake District, via a reunion with my old college friends.
Next week I’m planning to publish a couple of posts with pictures of Rhodes, so keep an eye open for them. In the meantime, here’s a few pictures from my trips away.

Members of the Sealed Knot English Civil War re-enactment society, giving it large at Scampston Park

Here’s a long exposure picture of Semerwater in the Yorkshire Dales. me and my old mate John went on a short camera and whisky road trip to the Dales. We even managed some photography! The long exposure gives the water a smoother appearance.
Eeehh, it were a right gradely week. Your Semerwater picture is better than mine, but then from your vantage point you were able to concentrate on your camera settings whereas I had to monitor those snotty faced canoeists kicking sand on my gear and walking over my jacket. I must say, other than our great day out at Scampston, the steaks in the Aysgarth Falls Hotel were the highlight for me (not to mention the foaming pints of ‘Golden Sheep’ that accompanied them.)
Did you do the review of the back-to-basics campsite yet? Would you like me to send you a decent Astro photo from my collection to attach to it?… yours were rubbish. You should post that one of the man with the torch coming back from the karzie. Proper long exposure quality that was. Well done Sir! Well done!
Yes, send me an astro one and I’ll attach it to the review. It were reet good fun and my liver function is returning to normal apparently.
Pics and a link sent via email.
Hi Dave good photos loved the long exposure photo. Scampston sealed knot was a great day good fun and super company. Enjoy Rhodes look forward to some lovely pictures😎
Thanks Jane, and Scampston was fun. I haven’t joined the regiment yet!