Out and About

I’ve been out and about this week in what passes for summer, taking a few photographs of interesting sights. I might moan about the weather (raining one day, hot enough to give me sunburn the next), but it’s great to have the long days to wander around in.
Despite the weight of a heavy camera and all the trappings, I enjoy taking photographs of pretty much everything I see. I’m a fairly indiscriminate taker of photographs, but it does have its advantages. For one it makes me concentrate on what’s going on around me, rather than just wandering around in a daze. I’m an expert at losing myself in my thoughts, but if I’m on the lookout for pictures, I’m forced to be more alert.
Actually I had rather a proud moment at Malton Show this weekend. I was there with Ryedale Dog Rescue, helping to run the dog show and take photographs of the contestants. I was busy photographing the dogs on the agility course and another photographer came and stood next to me. You could tell he was a proper photographer because, not only did he have a decent camera, he didn’t push his way in front of me to get a better view. Real photographers tend to be more considerate of each other.
Anyway, we exchanged nods and then got on with the task of trying to photograph dogs in mid-air as they went over the jumps. As we were waiting between contestants he turned to me and said:
‘Who are you snapping for?’
‘I’m just with the dog rescue’, I replied ‘taking a few photographs for their website’.
‘Oh, right’, he said ‘I’m here for the Malton and Pickering Mercury’.
Vain soul that I am I felt quite proud that I’d been mistaken for a professional photographer. It’s probably because I had a large camera with me: it’s a good job he didn’t see the results.
In retrospect it’s a bit like the comments on my first year school report from secondary school. My mother always made sure I had the right PE kit for school, and I was always well turned out. Shame I was crap at sport, and my teacher was spot on in his comments. He wrote:
‘David is always correctly dressed for his PE lessons. It’s a shame his prowess doesn’t match his sartorial elegance’.
Anyway, pro or not, I’ve enjoyed myself with the camera this week. Here’s a gallery of my favourites.

The three parallel earthworks in the picture are known imaginatively as Three Dikes. They are on a hillside overlooking Langton in North Yorkshire

My son and his friends having fun on Jamie’s new boat. Shortly after I took this picture the engine died and they had to float the rest of the way home.

This spaniel’s clearly having fun on the dog agility course at Malton show. It cleared this by miles! I think the ears help.

One of the rabbits from Orchard Fields in Malton having a late evening snack. It wasn’t too bothered about me getting up close for this picture.
I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy being out and about taking them. To be honest the photo essays are my favourite part of writing this blog. So, for the rest of the summer, I’m going to concentrate on getting out and about and publishing my favourite photographs. Instead of two posts every week, an editorial on Wednesday, and a main article on Friday, I’m going down to one a week, with the focus on photography.
I’d like your opinion too. Since I started this blog I’ve written a mixture of book reviews, short stories, photo-essays and family history. What are your favourites? I’m thinking of tweaking the blog in the autumn and I’d like to know what you like to read the most.
Have a good week and look for more ‘out and about’ photos next week.
Hey Dave,
I really enjoy the short stories, the family history is fascinating and the photos of course. The book reviews I don’t get into, I’m more into non fiction at this point.
Hi Dave
This is my order of likes,
Short stories
Family history
Book reviews.
Hope this will help, and once a week will be fine. Although I do hope the Rhodes holiday will be daily like Italy some coast shots would be lovely. Love to Liz please. Tell her my dad is 90 today.