Italy, day ten: 17/0617

Bologna at night. What an amazing place. Liz and I went out for a meal and then sauntered back through the city. I’m not sure whether I’ve seen anywhere so alive with people out enjoying themselves.
On a rare decent British summer night I’ve seen crowds of people out having fun, but this seems more like a feature.
We saw people at tables in crowded lanes enjoying great food, a talented group of break dancers, and a crowd of hundreds seated in a square listening to a film director being interviewed as part of the city’s film week. Finally, we came across some kind of rally, with a speaker addressing a huge crowd from the two towers. I don’t know who he was, but the crowd was immense.
I’ve never seen a place as alive as this for years.
Today’s pictures taken on my phone are of people out enjoying food and drink with friends and the crowds at the rally.
That second one is a cracker. How did you get to the front? I see you were clocked by a few people when you were taking it.
There was a road running across the front of the towers where the speaker was standing and we had to walk through the crowd to get home. That meant we were only six rows from the front. It was a completely fluke: I just held my phone above my head and pressed the button. I probably wouldn’t have got the picture with a DSLR, it would have been too obtrusive.