Gone Fishing

Today I’m having a peaceful day’s fishing. And for once I actually caught a fish.  Over the past few weeks me and my sons have rekindled our interest  in fishing. Rather than just  go for any old fish, we’re going for carp.

Of course this means some serious investment in carp fishing tackle. Now the garage seems much smaller. 

Still, it’s a peaceful way of spending a day and we never get competitive. Well, hardly ever.

Talking of competitions we’ll be watching the football tonight. I’ve waited 55 years for England to get to an international final, so it’s quite exciting. 


4 Responses

  1. Steve Trimmins says:

    Great to hear you’re terrorising the local waters again Dave. I took up angling again myself as it was such a good (and permitted) way to escape the confines of lockdown in the open air. I now wonder why I ever stopped fishing all those years ago. Have you tried for carp using a method feeder and quivertip? You just need a good rod butt grip to prevent your gear disappearing up the lake when you get a bite!.

    • Dave Fernley says:

      Hi Steve, yes, fishing’s a great way to relax. I too stopped going, but we’ve started going more often now. It’s fun with quiver tips and I nearly lost a rod a couple of months ago. But we’ve stepped up to proper carp rods and it’s less risky now. Maybe we’ll see you on the bank one day.

  2. David says:

    Nice to see Things Are getting back to normal Dave.

    Ps. what’s the fastest thing on the fish pond?…A motorpike and sidecarp

    • Dave Fernley says:

      Hi David, the old ones are the best! It reminds me of that famous old Northumbrian folk song, ‘Don’t go out for herrings son, yor Dad’s just come home with the crabs”.

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