First of 2019

It’s a bit too late to wish you all Happy New Year, even though this is my first post of the 2019! The year is already shooting along at a frightening pace, which is odd, as winter usually drags for me.

So welcome to my first offering of the year. Although I’ve not posted anything for a while, it doesn’t mean I’ve not been busy. If you look around the site you’ll see that I’ve made a few changes to the design and layout. I’ve created a few new pages, including a Home page with an introduction for new readers, a Blog page with all my recent posts,  a page about my Spanning The Years project and a Work With Me page. I’ve also made a few cosmetic tweaks to the Logo and Header, which hopefully gives the whole site a cleaner look.

As far as winter’s go, it’s not been too bad and I’ve had plenty of chances to get out walking with Bruce the Dog and my camera. This week’s picture is one I took a few weeks ago on a beautifully cold and sunlit walk along Leavening Brow. There was a smattering of snow on the high ground of the Wolds where we were walking, but the land below us was clear and the sky was a wonderful blue in the late afternoon sun. As we walked along I saw the first fingers of mist creeping along the valley bottom, and I just had to keep stopping to photograph it as it slowly spread beneath us.

I hope you enjoy the picture! I’ll be back next week with a progress update on my family history researches.

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