Door Dreaming

I really enjoyed putting together this week’s photo-essay, which is called Maltese Doorways. I don’t know why, but I’m fascinated by doors and doorways, both real and imagined. Whether it’s  in a story, like the doorway to Moria in Lord of the Rings, or a real old-fashioned house door in the street, they catch my imagination. It’s not necessarily the door itself that I’m fascinated by, it’s the potential for what lies behind them.

So this week’s essay is inspired by photographs I took on a holiday to Malta this autumn. It’s not an entirely conventional take on the island, but I hope you like it. The strange thing is that I’m not the only photographer who is inspired by doorways. There are thousands of pictures of them on the internet.

I’d be interested to hear from anyone who has the same fascination with doorways that I have.

Other than putting together this week’s photo-essay, I’ve been busy with the usual Christmas preparations, including making sure all my posts for the next three weeks are ready. Next week I’ll be publishing a book review of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol: very traditional I know, but it’s a book that always gives me immense pleasure.  Then, on December 30th I’ll be posting another short story: this time it’s  a seasonal romance (and I mean that term very loosely indeed).

Anyway happy reading and I hope you enjoy Maltese Doorways. Let me know what you think.



1 Response

  1. John M says:

    “It’s not necessarily the door itself that I’m fascinated by, it’s the potential for what lies behind them”.

    Ohh-errr… Remind me to draw my nets. 😀

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