Christmas is Coming!
All the presents are bought, (and some of them are even wrapped!), the tree’s ready for decorating and the dinner’s all planned. It’s starting to feel festive in the Fernley household.
I’ve had some good comments from people about last week’s photo-essay on Malta, including some from a friend who spent much of his childhood holidaying on the island. It’s early days for this blog, and I’m learning something every week, including the best way to present photographs. For future essays I’ll post larger resolution photographs. I’m also going to experiment with a gallery app that shows them in a different way.
During winter-time I mostly just want to hibernate in front of the fire with a book and a pile of toast. So it’s fitting that this week’s post, published on Friday December 23rd, is a book review. In keeping with the season I’ll be writing a review of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. Like Alan Garner’s Elidor, which I wrote about a few weeks ago, A Christmas Carol is a personal favourite of mine and brings back happy memories of my past. It’s also the perfect start to Christmas.
I won’t be taking a break from blogging during the holiday’s. Next week’s editorial will be published on Wednesday 28th December and on the 30th I’m publishing a story of the New Year The Boy Who Nearly Kissed Her.
Whatever you believe in, and however you mark this time of year, I hope you enjoy the festivities in your own special way.